The grid module provides a two-dimensional data structure. It is implemented as a dictionary with the keys being the a tuple of i,j indices of the elements.
A grid is a dictionary with the keys being the a tuple of y,x coordinates of the elements.
pub type Grid(a) =
dict.Dict(Position, a)
pub fn fill(value: a, size: #(Int, Int)) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), a)
Fills a grid based on a single value of a specified size
pub fn from_lists(lists: List(List(a))) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), a)
Takes a m⨯n list of lists and returns a Grid - which is a dictionary with the keys being the a tuple of i,j indices of the elements.
pub fn get(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
indices: #(Int, Int),
) -> Result(a, Nil)
Get value specified by indices
pub fn get_column(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
index: Int,
) -> Result(List(a), Nil)
Gets the column of a given index as a list
pub fn get_indexed_column(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
index: Int,
) -> Result(List(#(#(Int, Int), a)), Nil)
Gets the column of a given index as a list of tuples of indices value
pub fn get_indexed_row(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
index: Int,
) -> Result(List(#(#(Int, Int), a)), Nil)
Gets the row of a given index as a list of tuples of indices and values
pub fn get_row(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
index: Int,
) -> Result(List(a), Nil)
Gets the row of a given index as a list
pub fn position_to_string(position: #(Int, Int)) -> String
Transforms a given position to string (for debug purposes)
pub fn pretty_print(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), String),
) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), String)
Given a Grid of Strings, pretty prints it
pub fn size(grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a)) -> #(Int, Int)
Gets the height and width of a given Grid as a tuple #(height, width)
pub fn to_col_list_indexed(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
) -> List(List(#(#(Int, Int), a)))
Transforms a grid to a list of list of tuples of indices and values (column-wise)
pub fn to_lists(grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a)) -> List(List(a))
Transforms a grid to a list of lists (row-wise)
pub fn to_row_list_indexed(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
) -> List(List(#(#(Int, Int), a)))
Transforms a grid to a list of lists of tuples of indices and values (row-wise)
pub fn update_if_exists(
grid: Dict(#(Int, Int), a),
indices: #(Int, Int),
value: a,
) -> Dict(#(Int, Int), a)
Updates a given entry (specified by a tuple of indices) only if it already exists.